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Smart Parking Management Systems: Case study 2016

A parking management system, automates a car parking system. It optimizes parking space and make processes efficient. It gives real-time car parking information such as vehicle & slot counts, available slots display, reserved parking, pay-and-park options, easy payments, reports, and a host of other features. The system is also able to manage traffic for smart cities. One of our Swedish clients wanted to enter the Indian market with their smart & innovative technology for Parking management systems, we helped them build in roads into the Indian market and helped them establish pilot projects in two smart cities in India. The consultancy given was multifold ranging import of advanced parking management systems to government liaison and handholding them in the diverse and complex market of India, to creating distributorship at pan India level and finding likeminded partners for a successful business launch. Contact us if you have similar requirements for the Indian market.

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